Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Venezuela: Maduro Digs In

Venezuela: Maduro Digs In / Ivan Garcia
Posted on June 11, 2013

The PSUV (Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela) brothers have divided
the country into two trenches. Their followers — in petrocasas
(mass-produced small houses) and medical practices painted in red and
white with images of Chavez hanging from the roof — if they show
absolute loyalty, gain the right to a position as a minor official,
where they can earn thousands of bolivars extra.

Those who are against — half the Venezuelan population — are treated as
enemies. Nicolás Maduro is governing in virtually a state of siege. The
army in the streets. And his comrades turn up in Parliament with
gauntlets hidden in their pockets in case they need to hit their opponents.

Maduro has drawn the short straw. The man has a short fuse. He has
little room to manoeuvre. As a statesman, he leaves a lot to be desired.
His public speaking is a disaster.

He pulls three or four phrases out of the drawer and repeats them to the
point of tedium about his love for Hugo Chávez . It doesn't look as if
the old Caracas bus driver is able to more Venezuela forward with his
government drawn from the street, where only his own followers turn up.

A country is not a party. You should govern for everybody. Listen to the
others. And respect their opinions in the parliament. Many people
believe that the advice that Fidel Castro is whispering from Havana is
seeking to polarise and radicalise a Bolivarian revolution which is

That's how Castro governed in Cuba. The bearded guerilla humiliated the
priests and any religion which was not Marxist. He nationalised all
property. And provided an air bridge which allowed his enemies and the
middle class to flee to Miami. But that was in the time of the cold war.

In the 21st century, to put together an almost scientific autocracy,
with a parliament in the Cuban style in which they vote unanimously, is
impossible. Following Castro's strategies is the shortest route for the
PSUV to dig its political grave. For many reasons. One of them: Castro's
government is a monument to inefficiency.

It survives on exile dollars and passing the collection box in
Venezuela. Productivity is at rock bottom. Salaries are laughable. The
infrastructure is dysfunctional. Even the much-trumpeted successes of
the revolution in public health, education and sport are going backwards.

Politically, guaranteeing basic rights and employment while sacrificing
liberties will never be worthwhile. Those rights and duties which a
modern state must fulfil. Without asking for votes in exchange.

Maduro isn't Chávez. The man from Barinas had charisma. Ability to
manoeuvre, and, in spite of his major screw-ups, with his oratory he was
able to convince his supporters.

Maduro creates distrust even in typical Chavistas. The position of
President is too big for him. Rushing forward is not the right decision.

Whipping up the political differences between Venezuelans is putting out
a fire with gasoline. Entrenching himself in institutions which respond
to the interests of his party is not the correct solution.

He should offer political breathing room and participation to the
opposition. It represents 50% of the electorate. It's not a small thing.
If you could grade Maduro's performance in his first month of government
on a scale of one to ten, he would get a zero.

As President he has not been up to scratch.

Iván García

Translated by GH

4 June 2013


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