Friday, May 2, 2014

God Help Venezuela!

God Help Venezuela! / Angel Santiesteban
Posted on May 1, 2014

The first feature of all dictatorships is to see those who think
differently as the enemy. This is how Nicolas Maduro sees former
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who ventured to say that
Venezuela should assemble a political coalition to govern. Maduro
immediately ridiculed Lula's comment.

The Venezuelans are living in the last gasps of democracy; with every
minute that goes by their freedom is being choked off and, as in the
sixties in Cuba, they will be cheated with dreams of goldfish, which in
the end, as in the archipelago—half a century after so many
sacrifices—never came true and never will.

It hurts to see how history repeats itself, which is why the Cuban
people still suffer today. Our spirit goes out in support to
dear Venezuela, so that they can get rid of that straitjacket called
"the revolution" with its "21st century socialism." God save and free
them, and do the same for us.

We don't hide the fact that we pray earnestly for success in their fight
for freedom, because to the extent that they succeed in restoring
democracy, they will deprive the Castro dictatorship of the oxygen by
which it still remains in power, and therefore we can expect our reality
to be transformed sooner than the island's tyrants have planned.

If God helps Venezuela to restore the rule of law, He will be indirectly
promoting freedom in Cuba.

Ángel Santiesteban-Prats

Lawton Prison, April 2014

Follow the link to sign the petition for Amnesty International to
declare Cuban dissident Angel Santiesteban a prisoner of conscience.

Translated by Tomás A.

28 April 2014

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